A Promise of Healthy Living

Food Industry

Safe food supply is a challenge worldwide due to the presence of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms, which have affected food processing and supply industries. The high nutritional content of food provides an ideal growth environment for microorganisms. Food must maintain its integrity throughout machine filling, packaging, sealing, freezing, storage and transportation. In order to enhance the shelf life of food products, reduction in microbial contamination is an essential requirement. Microbial contamination in the food industry can occur from a range of bacteria and microorganisms at any stage from raw material to packaging & consumption. Contamination sources can be numerous including workers’ hands, raw materials, production line, air, water, packaging material, storage, and transportation conditions & equipment. Microbial contamination causes odor, change in color, and stains in products which can lead to a reduction in shelf life, food spoilage, and wastage. Contaminated products can contaminate other products as well during storage, transportation, on the shelf, and before consumption. Viral and microbial contamination of food items can lead to shortcomings for the business and a negative reputation for the industry.  So the industry must ensure a pure hygienic environment for the food products. 

In the U.S annual loss of $200 million is traced back to microbial contamination of meat and meat products only. Common microbes associated with food contamination are E. coliStaphylococcus, Salmonella, Clostridium, Listeria, etc., and can cause serious infections like food poisoning vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, dysentery, fever, headache, etc., and even death in severe cases. Therefore, it is very essential for food industries to reduce the chance of bacterial and microbial contamination throughout the supply chain.

Protector® Antiviral & Antimicrobial Products provide a hygienic environment to workers and help to maintain the quality of products throughout the supply chain by preventing microbial contamination and constant growth hence providing maximum long-term protection.

Protector® Antiviral & Antimicrobial Products provide protection against:

✓Viruses     ✓ Bacteria       Mould       Fungi      Yeast       Algae       Mildew

 Protector® Products are tested and proven 99.99% efficacy against viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms in accordance with ISO 18184, ISO 21702, ASTM E 2149, ISO 22196, and ASTM E 2180. Protector® Products act as the first line of active defence against spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. Millions of lives can be saved and huge financial losses can be prevented by using Antiviral & Antimicrobial Products

Health & Hygiene Ltd. has developed a complete range of Protector® Antiviral & Antimicrobial Products for food industries including:


Antiviral & Antimicrobial Disposable Products


Antiviral & Antimicrobial Building Infrastructure, Fixtures & Durables

Seamless Flooring

Antiviral & Antimicrobial Paints, Coatings & Floorings