A Promise of Healthy Living

Acidic foods & drinks may satisfy your taste buds but can harm your oral health, causing dental erosion and cavities.

Tooth enamel is the strongest material in the human body, even stronger than bones. It gets damaged if you consume acidic foods and drinks frequently. The acid in foods and drinks dissolves the mineral structure of teeth resulting in thinning of teeth. Continuous or repeated exposure to such foods and drinks eventually exposes the underlying layers i.e., dentin. Damaged enamel may lead to dental erosion and cavities.

The overall acidity of the food/drink is the primary factor that determines the effect on your teeth. If your drink has a pH of 5.5 or less, it is acidic. Such foods and drinks make your teeth fragile and facilitate dental erosion and cavities.

Drinks that are both, acidic and sugary, have a double-damaging effect on your oral health. When you consume soda, the sugar in the drink interacts with bacteria in your mouth and producing more acids. The drink also contains acids. Both types of acids damage your teeth. Every time you take a swig of soda its effect lasts for 20 minutes, and if you sip all day your teeth are continuously exposed to an acidic environment resulting in long-term damage to your tooth enamel.

Dental erosion is known as the chemical removal of minerals from the tooth structure. Dental erosion is of two types: extrinsic and intrinsic. The former is due to external factors such as acidic drinks, and foods whereas the latter is due to underlying health issues such as gastroesophageal. Erosion is progressive and may result in exposed enamel and root surface. According to ADA, up to 80% of adults are at risk of enamel loss due to their diet. Dental erosion is considered a significant oral health concern in European and Middle Eastern counties.

Cavities are small holes or openings in teeth. Acidic drinks also affect the next layer of the tooth, dentin, and develop cavities. People consuming acidic foods and drinks on a regular basis develop cavities over time. If the person has dental fillings, they may also get damaged. Cavities cause sensitivity, toothache, and dental decay.

To your wonder, some natural nutritious foods such as tomatoes and citrus fruits also have acidic effects, and consumption of such foods can also damage your teeth’s enamel. It is advised to take them as a part of a meal and not separately. Natural beverages such as orange and lemon juice are also highly acidic and advised to take occasionally.  Still, soft drinks are much more damaging and are the major culprit and contributor to erosion and cavities.

Drinks and food you should avoid.

If you want to ensure the long-term health of your enamel and thus your teeth, you should cut out, or at least limit, the following foods, and drinks:

  • Fruit juice (especially citrus) – orange, lemon, and grapefruit juice.
  • Soda and other carbonated beverages (including sugar-free options)
  • Coffee and Tea (hot and cold)
  • Alcohol – particularly wine
  • Sour candies
  • Citrus fruits
  • Tomatoes
  • Berries
  • Dairy products such as sour cheese, aged cheese, etc.

How to avoid damage?

Most people are aware of the impacts of sugary and acidic foods, but still can’t resist themselves. Below are some practices that may help in reducing the impact of the damage.

  • Use a straw: for acidic drinks, it’s good to use a straw. By using a straw, the contact between your teeth and the drink will be reduced.
  • Drink moderately: don’t drink acidic drinks daily and especially avoid drinking these before going to bed.
  • Drink swiftly: it is good to drink quickly so the drink is in contact with your teeth for a shorter amount of time, hence reducing the amount of damage caused to your teeth.
  • Swash your mouth: rinse your mouth with water every time you consume acidic foods or drink
  • s. It will wash away the remaining acids and sugars.
  • Do not brush immediately: wait at least 30 minutes before you brush your teeth after having acidic foods and drinks. The acids present may have already softened your enamel and brushing may cause more damage to the enamel. While waiting, the saliva has enough time to buffer the pH level in the mouth which in turn prevents removal of the softened enamel.
  • Regular professional dental cleanings: get your professional dental cleaning as per your dentist’s advice.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Practice good oral hygiene practices: maintaining good oral hygiene is essential including brushing and flossing daily.
  • Visit your dentist at regular intervals.

When it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing damage to the oral cavity, Protector® Antiviral & Antibacterial Toothbrush is the best choice.

Acidic foods and drinks remain in the mouth and impact the oral cavity negatively. Roughly the impact of a single sip of the drink remains for 20 minutes. It may cause softening of enamel, brown spots, cavities, tooth decay, tooth erosion, and tooth loss. Protector® Toothbrushes are completely antiviral and antibacterial including their head, bristles, & handle. They help to reduce bacterial buildup, hence reducing the amount of acids produces in the oral cavity, protecting against long-term damage.

Protector® Toothbrushes are specially designed to effectively remove food particles and plaque from your teeth. Plaque removal is crucial as it is a sticky film that forms on your teeth and harbors bacteria. Acids produced by these bacteria along with acids and sugars from food damage your teeth. Protector® Toothbrushes help to minimize their harmful effects hence reducing the chances of enamel damage and protecting your oral cavity.

Protect your teeth with Protector® and smile bright!