Educational Institutions
Germs are tiny organisms that make you weakened your immune system and cause diseases. In educational setups, children encounter millions of germs every day. This is because of the number of pupils in a classroom, the proximity and prolonged nature of their interaction, and an almost constant supply of new microbes everyday they interact their classmates. The bacteria on surfaces survive and thrive for many hours or even days and spread quickly from person to person or through contaminated objects and surfaces.
Various strains of pathogenic bacteria that could cause illness in both pupils and staff can be found in the classroom environment which could of course lead to absenteeism. Amongst these are the exotically named Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Escherichia coli.
Staphylococci bacteria are commonly associated with human skin and are responsible for a wide variety of infections. A contaminated indoor classroom environment and its long-term exposure can cause asthma, respiratory disorders, and allergies.
Protector® Antiviral & Antimicrobial Products help to reduce the number of pathogens that are likely to contaminate the classroom environment and their unsolicited impact on school attendance.

Protector® Antiviral & Antimicrobial Products provide protection against:
✓ Bacteria ✓ Mould ✓ Fungi ✓ Yeast ✓ Algae ✓ Mildew
Protector® Antiviral & Antimicrobial Products are tested by Independent third party- ISO 17025 certified labs and proved 99.99% efficacy against a number of bacteria and microorganisms in accordance with ISO 22196 and ASTM E 2180. Protector® Antiviral & Antimicrobial Products act as the first line of defence against pathogenic bacteria & microorganisms.