A Promise of Healthy Living

Does your Facemask prevent or promote diseases?

Does your Facemask prevent or promote diseases?

In past few years, air borne diseases are affecting a major part of population. The modern urban lifestyle and rapidly growing industries have polluted the environment. Air-pollution (smoke, smog, haze and allergens) is major threat to human health living in busy urban areas where they are continuously exposed to toxic elements and small particulate matters contributing to wide spread chronic respiratory diseases and heart diseases. Expansion of infra-structure and transport systems have made situations more critical.

People are actually not only inhaling air but small dust particles, microorganisms and viruses which in turn has increased the rate of asthma, lungs associated diseases like pneumonia and lungs cancer. The chances of getting such diseases increase in people gatherings and close proximity for longer time periods.

According to annual World Bank Report, pollution and allergens has dramatically increased the premature death, while every year 4 -5 million new cases of chronic bronchitis are reported.

In healthcare centers, Hospital Acquired infections (HAIs) is increasing rapidly and it has globally became a major concern for healthcare set-ups. These infections can spread through both opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms present in healthcare setups and can easily be transmitted to doctors, healthcare workers, patients and visitors. One of the cause is the cross-contamination of microorganisms that responsible for transmission of infections.

World Health Organization (WHO), and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) advised doctors to wear facemasks to protect the patients or Healthcare workers (HCWs) from the risk of getting various infections. Some factors needed to be considered when selecting a facemask, the mask should consists of different pore sizes to filter particles for preventing the spread of air-borne pathogens. Furthermore, hospital personnel especially doctors and nurses are  usually more at risk to acquire the infections during attending & nurse care when they come in close proximity of the patients. Evidence suggests that the surgical mask might not be enough to protect the healthcare staff from air-borne pathogens and might also act as a source of air-borne or droplet infection.

According to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) virulent microorganisms such as Staphylococcus, Aspergillus, and Penicillium are present on the outer surface of face masks used by hospital professionals, with a prevalence rate of 57%, 31%, and 39% respectively.

Facemasks are definitely good choice to filter the air and used to minimize exposure to microorganisms and dust particles present in the environment; however, in certain conditions facemask promote microbial buildup and thus infection spread.

These problems can be controlled in healthcare centers, industries, cities and work places by introducing technology that provides utmost protection to its user such as Protector® Antimicrobial Facemasks.

Protector ® Antimicrobial Facemasks provide maximum protection against microorganisms, viruses, allergens, smoke, haze and fine particles. It prevents the air-borne transmission when environment is highly contaminated with bacteria and other microorganisms on the roads, industrial manufacturing, healthcare set-ups, pathological labs or in culinary industry. Microorganisms are everywhere and in order to protect against the deadly diseases the Protector® Antimicrobial Facemask is the best option for maximum protection.

Protector® Antimicrobial Facemasks provide maximum protection against Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Algae, Mould, Mildew, Yeast, and Dust and has tested efficacy of 99.99%. Microorganisms are killed upon contact with the facemask thus reduces the risk of transmission of microbes and infection spread.

Protector® Antimicrobial Face Masks conforms to ISO 22196 and ASTM E 2180 for Antimicrobial performance and ASTM F 2100 – Level 3 for:

  • Viral Filtration Efficiency (VFE, 99.7% efficacy)
  • Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE, 99.7%)
  • Particle Filtration Efficiency (PFE, 98.8%)
  • Differential Pressure (∆P, 33.5 Pa/cm3, 3.4 mm H2O/cm3)